[Info] Relic – Alladin Lamp

Hello heroes!
This is the new section of Eternal Chaos Online for you, Awesome Weekly INFO!. We will give you more information about everything inside ECO, more knowledge to you to understand how to be great heroes here!
Now, we are talking about a folktales of Persia thing -Aladdin Lamp. First thing first, who is Alladin?, He is the lazy, irresponsible son of a poor tailor. A sorcerer tricked him into entering a treasure-filled cave to seize a magical lamp and gave him a ring that would protect against evil. Aladdin found the lamp, but he refused to give it to the sorcerer until he was outside the cave. The sorcerer blocked the entry to the cave, imprisoning Aladdin within.


Through a series of accidents, Aladdin discovered that rubbing the ring brought forth powerful genies, who released him from the cave. He also discovered he could summon the spirits by rubbing the lamp. The genies offered to fulfill Aladdin’s every wish. He asked for and received a magnificent palace and the hand of the sultan’s daughter in marriage.
For get this relic, you have to log in 3 days in game
Effect :  When attacking, you can have a chance to activate Divine Majesty, a skill which can reduce 30% of your foe within 5 seconds.
The image below will tell you how much status you will get from this.

We know for some of you, it maybe not so powerful, but it’s just the beginning of awesome power!, right?.
Eternal Chaos Online — Dominate All Realms!!
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