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Showing posts with label EC-News. Show all posts

Unique Feature : Artifact

Ancient people believe and trust about the Mythical Powers inside of Magical Objects. In the World of Abyss, the Artifact can release unimaginable Potential Power for its user.

Artifact is one of the unique feature in Eternal Chaos. This feature opens when your character reach Lv 54.

Artifact & Soul LOD 3 Claws

What potential powers that contain inside the Artifact? How to use it? Let’s check all the complete information below:


Artifact Menu can be opened with Click the Artifact Icon on right bottom of your screen, or you can opened it with ‘K’ shortcut.


When your character is reaching at Level 54, then this New Feature will be opened and automatically Active.

Artifact 1

The Display of Artifact is very unique. Artifact thing will follow your character wherever you go and will release the various Skills when you face the battle.

Artifact 2

Upgrade Artifact

To Upgrade the Artifact Level, you must fulfill the Artifact Progress until it reach 5th Level.

Artifact 3 LOD 3 Claws

*Polish Stone is needed to increasing the Artifact Progress Lv

Polish Stone LOD 3 Claws

Polish Stone can be obtained in Artifact Event or you can enter Challenge > Hero Guardian once per day.

After the Artifact Progress is at maximum level, then you can start upgrading the Artifact with using Artifact Stone 

Artifact 4 LOD 3 Claws

Artifact Stone can be found in Daily Campaign Spider Cave (Team) and from Challenge Hero Guardian. You can also buy it  in Gold Store with 30 Gold price.

Next time we will continue again giving you guys about the Artifact Soul

So what are you waiting for ? PLAY NOW and Dominate All Realms!

Eternal Chaos Online — Dominate All Realms!!
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