King’s Jade Guide Ver 2.0

Greetings Shinobies

Today we will be looking at King’s Jade feature in Anime Ninja. As you all already know, Jades in Anime Ninja consist of 11 types and each type is further divide from level 1 – 12. If you want to get higher level jade, it can be done by combining/synthesizing 2 jades of same type and level. And this formula continue until you get Jade Lv 12.

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But is Jade Lv 12 the best jades out there? For some jade types, yes. Lv 12 is the best. But for Force, Chakra, Agi and Power jades, it’s not. These 4 basic stat jades have one more level they can achieve. These jades can evolve even further into King’s Jade.

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To evolve these jades into King’s Jade, first you need to have them reach level 12

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Once they reach Lv 12, you can evolve them into their own version of King’s jade

Strength——>Jade Dragon

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Chakra ——>Jade Tiger

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Agility——>Jade Rosefinch

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Power ——>Jade Tortoise

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Keep in mind that this evolution process will cost you between 1000 – 2000 Gold/Coupons (coupons will be consumed first) and cost is different with each type

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Once it becomes a King’s Jade, you can further improve it by Star Upgrade.

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Star Upgrade is simply ‘feeding’ unused jades to King’s Jades for EXP. Everytime a King’s Jade stars increase, it will grant more stats than before. Note that this process can fail. Should this happen, the jade will still be consumed but no exp gain. So be very careful when upgrading.

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Or you can use the Adv Devouring instead of normal Devouring.

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Adv Devouring use gold but with 100% success chance and chance for critical. Though it is not recommended since it will cost you quite some fortune.

Other than possibilities of failure. When you’re star upgrading the King’s jade, each jade level have fixed exp amount they will grant. This means you can manage which jade level you will be using at which exp required.

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Lastly, here are the tables of Exp requirement and Stat Boost granted by the King’s Jade

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