[ Event ] Dating in Autumn

Event 1. Top Up and Win 10% Bonus Gold
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail: Top up during the event to win 10% bonus!
Event Rules:
1. During the event, top up to get 10% gold bonus. The more you top up, the more bonus you will get;
2.Bonus gold doesn't count in VIP cumulative top-up;
3.This event doesn't overlap with the new server first-time top up event, which means you can obtain bonus for both events if you meet the requirement.
Example: If you top up 2,000 gold for the first time in the newly opened server, your bonus will be 200 gold (the 10% bonus for your first-time top-up)+ 200 gold (the 10% bonus for this event), and you will get 2400 gold in total.
Rewards: Bonus gold will be sent to your mailbox after you top-up. Please remember to check your mailbox in time.

Event 2. Superb Prizes for Single Top-Up
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail: Top up during the event to win bonus gold as well as more rewards!
Event Rules:
1. Top up in one attempt as required to get reward;
2.You can`t get rewards set for other amounts of top-up.
3.You can get rewards repeatedly if you top up multiple times;
4. Rewards will be sent to your mailbox, so please check your rewards in time.
Rewards are sent instantly after you top up.

Event 3. Top Up to Win Advanced Items
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail: During the event, top up to win gold bonus and premium gifts if your total amount of top-up reaches the requirement.
Event Rules:
1.Rewards can be stacked. Example: Player A top up 400 gold, and can get a gift pack for topping up 400 gold*1; then A top up 800 more gold and can get gift pack for topping up 800 gold*1; so A receives a gift pack for topping up a total of 1200 gold*1.
2.Rewards will be sent to your mailbox, so please check your rewards in time.

Rewards are sent instantly after you top up.

Event 4. Toad Wallet - Lucky Cat
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail: Top up as required during the event can activate Lucky Cat, which contains luxury items and gold.
Event Rules:
1. Single top-up reaches 1000 gold can activate Small Lucky Cat; 2500 gold to activate Lucky Cat; 5000 gold to activate Large Lucky Cat.
2. Each Lucky Cat can only be activated once.
3. Top up 15000 gold in one attempt can activate all lucky cats.
4. After activation, you’ll get bonus gold and other rewards from the lucky cat. You can claim rewards from one cat once a day for 5 days.
5. After activation, you will have 5 days to claim all of your rewards.
6. Free gold won’t count for VIP EXP and other events.

Event 5. Give Away 10 Tails and Gifts if Topping up
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail:
1. During the event, top-up records will be recorded;
2. There are 10 levels of rewards. Players can activate each level by accumulating top-up
3. When the amount of accumulative top-up reaches the requirement, system will activate the power to claim rewards and buy packs automatically;

4. There is only one chance to claim a free reward after each level of reward is activated;

Event 6. Top Up to Win Awesome Gifts
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail:
Recharge once to receive an awesome reward.
Event Rules:
1. Recharging any amount once during the event to receive a free “Fortune Pack” worth 800 Gold.
2. Top up required amount of Gold once during the event to claim rewards. There are 4 brackets for the single top-up amount, each of which corresponds to one gift pack and coupons.
Note: Players can only claim the rewards one time. Once they activate one bracket, they cannot claim rewards of other brackets. Please be wise with your choice.

Event 7. Top up to Grab Discounted Items
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail:
During the event, top up the required amount of Gold to purchase limited time only discounted items. Some items are even free to claim.
Note: The items are sold in a limited amount. It’s on a First Come, First Serve basis. Each type of item is limited to buy/claim once. Coupons cannot be used to buy gift packs.

Event 8. Be Quick to Grab Gifts
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail:
During the event, each time when you spend 1 Gold/Coupon, you will receive 1 point. When you collect enough amount of points, you will be able to buy items of limited quantity. And some of the items are free to claim.
1. The number of item is limited, it will be first come first served.
2. Each item can be purchased/claimed only once.
3. You cannot buy items with Coupons.

Event 9. VIP Pack Limited Sale
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail:
1.During the event, VIP level≥4 players can buy VIP packs with gold or coupons to receive premium items.
Example: VIP6 players can buy VIP4, VIP5, VIP6 packs.
2. Each level of VIP pack is limited to buy once.

Event 10. Group Buying
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail:
Servers Group Buy has 2 stages: registration period and purchase period.
Registration period is open to all players. The more people register, the cheaper the item will be. There is a floor price for the item.
Note: Registration requires players to possess enough gold or coupons to buy the item. Gold or coupons will not be deducted after registration.
Purchase period: Players who register successfully will have a 10-minute cool down period. Each group buying can only be bought once and will cost the corresponding amount of gold or coupons.
There will be 5 rounds of group buying activities.

Event 11. Blackmarket Shop, Find Great Deals Here
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Rules:
1. During the event, you can buy valuable items and ninjas in the Black market Shop.
2. Click Refresh to update available items. Refresh once requires 20 gold. There is a chance to get rare items.
3. Gold spent for buying or refreshing items in the Black market Shop can be converted to Black market Points(1 Gold=1 Black market Point). A prize can be obtained by reaching required number of Black market Points.
4. Coupons cannot be used.
5. Obtained ninja and Spiritual Beast cannot be bought again.

Event 12.Gem Rush
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 16, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Detail:
1. During the event, complete certain daily task to receive treasure maps as rewards.
Note: One task can only be claimed once. The task status is reset at 0:00 daily. Please claim rewards in time to avoid unnecessary losses.
2. The Treasure Maps can be used to play Gem Rush.(You can use Gold when you lack of Treasure Maps. 1 Treasure Map = 50 Gold)
3. Every 3 same patterns obtained no need to be obtained consecutive) can give you Lucky Stars as reward. There is a chance to obtain diamond patterns which will give you extra 1 time of your star of current round.
4. When you played required times of Gem Rush, you can receive an extra pack.
5. In the Gem Shop, Stars can be used to redeem items.
6. Collect Stars to join the Gem Ranking. Unique titles and rare spiritual beasts are waiting for you!
7. All Stars that haven't been used up will be wiped after the event. Please redeem in time.

Event 13. Lucky Slot Machine Gold Change
Event Time: 00:01, Sep 7, 2016 - 23:59, Sep 11, 2016
Event Site: All Servers
Event Rules:
1. Top up 500 gold to activate the Slot Machine.
2. After the Slot Machine is activated, each chance to play the Slot Machine needs to consume Gold. When attempts end, Gold obtained will be returned.
3. There are limited attempts to play the Slot Machine. After the attempts are used up, you will be unable to play and receive Gold.

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