Single Top Up Bonus Part II

Greetings Shinobies

Anbu Armory is back!! This time the event start on::

20th August 16.00 (GMT+8/game time) until 23rd August 15.59 (GMT+8/game time)

We’re gonna give you a bonus item when you do a Single Top Up 500 Golds.Here’s how to get it and what you’re gonna get:

  1. Event will run from 20th August 16.00 (GMT+8/game time) until 23rd August 15.59 (GMT+8/game time)
  2. To obtain item you must do SINGLE top up of AT LEAST 500 Gold via any payment gateway. Any higher amount is still consider of 500 Gold Single top up for this event.
  3. Items are LIMITED and CHANGED EACH DAY. First come first serve. So don’t be late!
  4. Players can only get item ONCE per day (daily claim)
  5. Claim your bonus Here::

Day 1

(20th August 16.00 – 21st August 15.59 GMT+8/Game Time)

Lost Jades*5

Unnamed QQ Screenshot20160806115734

Day 2

(21st August 16.00 – 22nd August 15.59 GMT+8/Game Time)

Luna Jewellery Box*3

Unnamed QQ Screenshot20160806131730

Day 3

(22nd August 16.00 – 23rd August 15.59 GMT+8/Game Time)

Colorful Soul*30

Unnamed QQ Screenshot20160806112911

Don’t miss this chance to get some bonus item when you Top-Up!! Only in Anime Ninja!!

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