List of Pokemon Hatches from 5 km Eggs

The Pokemons that the 2k km Egg Hatches are very common and easy to encounter in your daily exploration.
Note: The Pokemon GO app has a speed restriction so if you are traveling via any transport or driving one then the Distance won't be counted o hatch your Egg.
KantoDex NationalDex Image Name Type
#023 #023 Ekans
#027 #027 Sandshrew
#037 #037 Vulpix
#043 #043 Oddish
#046 #046 Paras
#048 #048 Venonat
#050 #050 Diglett
#052 #052 Meowth
#054 #054 Psyduck
#056 #056 Mankey
#058 #058 Growlithe
#060 #060 Poliwag
#063 #063 Abra
#066 #066 Machop
#069 #069 Bellsprout
#072 #072 Tentacool
#077 #077 Ponyta
#079 #079 Slowpoke
#081 #081 Magnemite
#084 #084 Doduo
#086 #086 Seel
#088 #088 Grimer
#090 #090 Shellder
#092 #092 Gastly
#096 #096 Drowzee
#098 #098 Krabby
#100 #100 Voltorb
#102 #102 Exeggcute
#104 #104 Cubone
#108 #108 Lickitung
#109 #109 Koffing
#111 #111 Rhyhorn
#114 #114 Tangela
#115 #115 Kangaskhan
#116 #116 Horsea
#118 #118 Goldeen
#120 #120 Staryu
#128 #128 Tauros
#137 #137 Porygon

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