List of Pokemon Hatches from 2 km Eggs

The Pokemons that the 2k km Egg Hatches are very common and easy to encounter in your daily exploration.
Note: The Pokemon GO app has a speed restriction so if you are traveling via any transport or driving one then the Distance won't be counted o hatch your Egg.
KantoDex NationalDex Image Name Type
#001 #001 Bulbasaur
#004 #004 Charmander
#007 #007 Squirtle
#010 #010 Caterpie
#013 #013 Weedle
#016 #016 Pidgey
#019 #019 Rattata
#021 #021 Spearow
#025 #025 Pikachu
#035 #035 Clefairy
#039 #039 Jigglypuff
#041 #041 Zubat
#074 #074 Geodude
#129 #129 Magikarp

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