Showing posts with label Tantra-Quest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tantra-Quest. Show all posts

Tantra 2nd Job Change, Test of Wisdom Quest

Go to Moriya (114 / 504) of Anu Village

Moriya : Huh? Who is it? Ah ha! It's <Character_Name>! How do I know? I know everything. Don't ignore me because I'm young. [Continue listening]

Moriya : Everyone wants to become a little bit stronger, but there are tests to pass. I don't have the time to tell you to do this. Do the tests while monsters are all over the area.[Continue listening]

Moriya : <Character_Name>, I will give you a question. It's about this world we live in. It's important to be strong, but it is also important to know more about this world we live in, and the fortitude to guard it![Okay, let's free it]

Moriya : Who is this? He is the vendor who sells weaponry in Mandara Village.

1. Illa
2. Vartan
3. No Answer

Moriya : Out of 50 Ashram members, 20 had picked up Azis at Mandara and 35 got Azis at Shambala. If 5 people have yet to pick up an Azis, how many have picked up an Azis at both Mandara and Shambala?

1. 25 People
2. 10 People
3. 15 People

Moriya : Which god is this about? The great god the came before the Tantra age, aka "The God of Thunder"

1. Parubati
2. Ushasu
3. Indra

Moriya : Which Mara is this about? They roam around the end of Mandara Dungeon. They were once human fighters but cursed by the dark force. They look like a huge ice statues and use glacial bress.

1. Nagamudra Hima
2. Meghamalin
3. Srbinda

Moriya : What is the sum of all the numbers between 1 and 100?

1. 1024
2. 2400
3. 5050

Moriya : Who is this? A am from the Naga clan, the brother of Defense General Amar Khan.

1. Apvas
2. Pressure Defense
3. No Answer

Moriya : Where is this? It is in the settlement of pagans after Jina. A long time ago, there was a big duel between two monk fighters. After the encounter, one of them founded the town.

1. Jina Village
2. Exile Area
3. Pamir Plains

Moriya : In the beginning, Mandara Village started with just 2 people, 1 male and 1 female. They gave birth to a new generation every 20 years and the following generations gave birth to twice as many  than the previous. 200 years later, the war with the Maras dec

1. 2046 People
2. 1432 People
3. No Answer

Moriya : Which Mara is this about? He was originally a general before the war, but got cursed after and became a Golemn Mara.

1. Mlecchas
2. Pizac
3. Ananga Dvanta

Moriya : What dead thing is this about? It is a miracle of pharmacy. It regenerates PC's vitality when taken. It was originally created by Brahma and eventually the god Soma came forth.

1. Panaka
2. Amrita
3. Tapas

Moriya : What is the ratio of female residents? There are 5 male and 4 female among Mandara Villagers.

1. 56 Percent
2. 44 Percent
3. No Answer

Moriya : Where is this? The three masters, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva control the balance in ____ for Tantra in Haima Yuga

1. Jina Village
2. Shambala Castle
3. Mandara Village

Moriya : What event is this? It is sometimes called the "Great War". There was a big war between the gods and the Maras. When the Mara tribes almost overwhelm the Tantra world, the human from the 8 tribes bonded to fight against the menace for 10 years.

1. Himayuga
2. 8 King War
3. No Answer

Moriya : How many types of Mara's troops are there? According to ancient writing and before the 8 Kings war, the Maras had 6 clans. 4 Maras attacked together to form a clan, but none of them were alike.

1. 360 Kinds
2. 128 Kinds
3. 15 Kinds

Moriya : What is Sanskrit term for 'The Golden Ages'? That is the time when the three masters lived with the humans.

1. Himayuga
2. Saraswati
3. Kuruma

Moriya : Who is this about? He is the priest who leads the religious ceremonies at the Mandara Temple.

1. Ashuri
2. Vananta
3. No Answer

Moriya : In the Mandara Plains, there are three Portals; in the Village, Coliseum, and at the Town of Mara . How many possible passages are there if you started with one and went through the other two?

1. 4 Types Possible
2. 5 Types Possible
3. 6 Types Possible

Moriya : What historic location is this? In the Tantra area, the world is divided into 8 areas. The lifestyle changes depending on their nature, but there is always a _____ in memory of their warriors.

1. Royal Palace
2. 8 King Castle
3. Shi Hang Rung

Moriya : What dead thing is this about? It is a kind of board game that originated from ancient India. It is the origin of both 'Jhang-Ki' and 'Chess'. Some written records from 670 AD reports that it had been played even on early centuries BC.

1. Chaturanga
2. Chess
3. Oriental Chess

Moriya : If you put 2 Illas, 3 Azis and 4 Surapas into your inventory, what is the probability of having 4 and all 4 of them being Surapas?

1. 1/126
2. 1/63
3. Vananta

Moriya : Wow! You're very good? Are you by chance interested in being an elder? Take this invitation form and show it Zhongkui.[Finish Conversation]