Showing posts with label DB System Feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DB System Feature. Show all posts

Dragon Ball Z Online Fortify

Just like other MMOs, DBZ Online also have feature where you can improve your equipment or even create a new gear. You can access it at earliest stage of your adventure.

Fortify have several different enhancement for your gear:

Fortify = this is the basic enhancement. It increase the stats of your equipment by certain amount. There is a cool down time every time you do fortification. Max cool down time is 21 Minutes (8 consecutive fortification without stopping)

Refine = this enhancement will add new stats to your gear, you can refine as many as you want. Normal refine will change both stat type and stat number while Gold refine will change the stat number only

Inherit = this enhancement allows you to transfer Fortification Lv (those +) AND inlay-ed jades from one equipment to another. Keep in mind that fortification will be reduced by several Lv if you do inherit.

Make Equip = you can make new equipment here. New set of equipment appear every 20 Lv at the beginning then every 10 Lv (Lv 30, Lv 50, Lv 70 then Lv 80, Lv 90 , Lv 100etc). Equipment comes with 3 different grade, Blue, Purple and Yellow. Blue Grade only available for Lv 30 and Lv 50. Purple grade available for all Lv while Yellow grade for Lv 70 and above.

Socket = if you need more socket on your gear, you can add it here. Sockets are used for jade inlay, so if you still need to inlay more jade but don't have spare sockets, make a new one here. Adding socket will cost you Kachink stones and silvers. Max number of socket on 1 gear is 8

Enchant = increase your gear stats by percentage. Unlike Fortification, Enchant available when you reach lv 75 and only gear lv 75 and above that can be enchanted. Enchant require corresponding spar or King Kai spar and some silvers to be done. Enchant can fail too, should you fail, the spars and silvers are lost but your gear is unchanged.

Dragon Ball Z Online Gem System

DBZ Online also have Gems for you to inlay into equipments' sockets. To inlay your gems, you need to find Krillin in the city. He'll be hanging out on right side of the map

Once you talked to him, you can start inlay and synthesizing your gems.

Gems are divided to 11 Types and each types have 12 Gem Level (Fury gem is an exception, the lowest Fury Gem Level is Lv 4)

Gem types are:

Str ; Increase Physical Damage

Agi : Increase Speed

Sta : Increase Health

Spi : Increase Ki Damage

Hit : Increase Hit rate (accuracy)

Dodge : Increase Dodge rate

Crit : Increase Crit rate

Block : Increase Block rate

Piercing : Increase Piercing Damage (can't be reduced by defense)

RES : Increase Chance to Counter

Fury : Increase amount of fury at the start of battle

Each equipment can only have 1 type of gem, so no 2 Str Gem in your armor or weapon. Even if the Gem level is different

If you have 2 Same Level and Same type gem, you can synth them to get 1 Higher level gem of same type

Dragon Ball Z Online Z-Artifact

In DBZ online, there is special equipment called 'Z- Artifact'. These equipment can further increase your Brawn, Agi, Con and Spi.

Unlike other equipment, Z-Artifact don't have level requirement. But to use it, Crew grade must be the same as Z- Artifact.

To obtain it, you must enter the Extreme challenge and defeat enemies there. Each Extreme Challenge stage set will offer different Z-Artifact set as reward.

Z Artifact can be upgrade both Level and Quality. To upgrade Z Artifact you need same artifact as it's material. In case you don't have same artifact, you can also use Z-Weapon Convert Talisman or gold

After reaching max level, Z Artifact's Quality can be improved. Once Z-Artifact's Quality improved, the upgrade Level will be reduced by 2 (so +10 Quality 7 Z-Artifact will become +8 Quality 8 Z-Artifact). You also need gold to upgrade Z-Artifact's quality

Z-Artifact Conversion

You can also convert Z-Artifact you own into another Z-Artifact. Keep in mind that only Lv 0 (not upgraded) Z artifact that can be converted. To Convert it you need certain amount of Z-Weapon Convert Talisman.

Dragon Ball Z Online Ancient Ruins

Once you reach Lv 75 in DBZ Online, Ancient Ruins will be available to you for exploring. While exploring ancient ruins, you have to fight enemies on each floor. After you win, you will be rewarded with corresponding spar item. Spars are used to enchant your gear even further. You can read about enchantment here

Each ruins have 30 floors and new ruins is available to explore after your level reach certain Level.

Every day can only choose 1 Ancient Ruins to explore. Also you can only lose 3 times and then the exploration stopped. Unlike trials though, you won't immediately go to you last floor but start from 1st floor again if you choose to explore same ruins on the next day.

Dragon Ball Z Online Extreme Challenge

Once you reach Lv 30 in DBZ online, you have access to the Extreme Challenge. Inside the Extreme Challenge, you will face powerful opponent. Should you win, you will get a Z-Artifact as your reward.

Extreme Challenge comes in set of 5 enemies. And each enemy can be accessed by defeating previous one. New set appears after your character reach certain level and cleared the previous set

Dragon Ball Z Online Mystic Capsule

Once you reach Lv 18 in DBZ Online, you can assist Dr.Brief in making the infamous Capsules in Dragon Ball.

Capsules, otherwise known as Mystic Capsules, is another source of silvers in DBZ Online. You can get silvers for free once a day by assisting Dr. Brief in producing Mystic Capsule. If you still in need of Capsules, you can spend Coupons or Golds to make more.

You can increase the amount of silvers you get by increasing your Mystic Capsules Lv. To increase it, you need to assist Dr. Brief. This can be done 3 times a day and every 5 minutes. Your friends can also help increasing your Mystic Capsules Lv by assist producing once a day. You can also help your friend in same way too. Player with VIP gets more Mystic Capsule Producing Chance.

The higher your Mystic Capsule level, the more the Silver you get. In addition of getting silvers, each time your Mysctic Capsule gain a level, you get silvers and coupons for free

Dragon Ball Z Online RR Treasure Hunt

Finding treasure is everybody's dream, especially if it's some evil organization secret stash. Luckily, Red Ribbon army have such secret stash. And the best part is we can take it for ourself!!

Everyday, you can hunt for Red Ribbon's secret stash for 5 times. The Red Ribbon Army hid their treasure in 5 different location and you need to pay certain amount of silver to get the map.

You can immediately go and hunt for treasure without paying for maps but the reward wouldn't be great. So it is recommended to get new map with greater reward by paying small amount of silvers (just 1,000 Silvers for each try). You can try 5 times to get a new map. After that you need to pay 10 Gold for extra 10 tries.

So what do you get from these treasure hunting? First and foremost, treasure hunting is your source for Will Proof. Will Proof is used for recruiting and upgrading Crew on Legendary Warrior. Other than Will Proof, you also get silvers. Once the treasure hunt is complete, rewards will be sent to your character's mail. Don't forget to claim it!!

Will Proof grade is differ for each location, so does silver amounts. Lower grade Will Proof can be traded for higher grade, but higher grade can't be traded for lower grade. So make sure you hunt at the right place at the beginning.

If you're VIP 6 or above, you can spend gold coins to directly access the Flame Mountain Treasure Map, second best map that available.

Out of hunting chance but not satisfy with your finding? Then why don't you 'rob' other saiyans?

Each Saiyans can be robbed twice a day and you have 4 rob chance (even if it's failed it's still reduced. Robbing enemy with higher level will reward you more items